Our mediators speak your language.

Mediation is more effective when it is in the language you speak. 
Choose a mediator from our multilingual pool.

Get free learning resources on placement, INMEDIATELY!

Find out more about our latest EU project InMEDIATE here.

14,000 and growing!

We offer the largest mediation magazine in circulation.* 
Subscribe to Die Mediation
 - our specialist magazine for conflict management, mediation and more! Now also as an app.

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ALL of our courses and services are now also offered ONLINE. Wondering how it works? Give us a call! 

Steinbeis BürgerbeteiligungsReport 2023


Neuerscheinung: Steinbeis BürgerbeteiligungsReport 2025


Organizational development, conflict management and mediation 

Mediation and out-of-court conflict resolution have been our core competencies for over 15 years. Our customers come from a variety of industries, and range from listed companies to start-ups. We are also your best choice for resolving international disputes through our global network of mediators and lawyers.

We were awarded

We specialize in 

In and between organizations

  • Mediation and Moderation
  • Consultation
  • Training

Cross-border mediations

  • Mediation and Moderation
  • Consultation
  • Training

Inheritance mediation & corporate succession

  • Mediation and Moderation
  • Consultation
  • Training

Train with the best in mediation. Discover our highly rated Mediator trainings. 

It's not about who is to blame, but how can the future be shaped.

Prof. Dr. Gernot Barth

Our trade journal

With "Die Mediation" the extrajudicial resolution of conflicts, especially mediation, is the focus of the reporting. The magazine focuses on the areas of family, business, culture and administration and offers broad and application-oriented access to the possibilities of out-of-court conflict resolution. Experts with theoretical knowledge and practical experience provide insights into the targeted and successful application of mediation elements. New topics are added with each issue, supplemented by recurring categories such as methodology, law, best market practices, sport and intercultural mediation. Current research trends and interesting methodological approaches round off the portfolio.

Sign up for our newsletter and receive the edition 'Die Mediation' for the first quarter of 2020 free of charge.

Newsletter registration

IKOME | Steinbeis Mediation

Head office: LEIPZIG

Hohe Straße 11
04107 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341 2 25 13 18



