The Mediation

Our new International Magazine explores mediation, leadership development, change management and more.

Get ready for Change.

With our new English-language internationally  magazine, we are bringing together choice articles from mediators and thought leaders across the globe. Its first edition has reached thousands of people interested in conflict resolution, change management, organizational development. And it comes free of charge - download, read and share today

Do you want to share your ideas with the international community? We invite you to write for us! Contact us here.

Download the app now from the App Store, Google Play Store, or as a desktop version.

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The app offers a multimedia experience for your continuing education in conflict resolution. It gives you access to our wide range of mediation topics anytime, anywhere. The app features full-text search across all archive issues, so you can conveniently search and research your main areas of interest.

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IKOME | Steinbeis Mediation

Head office: LEIPZIG

Hohe Straße 11
04107 Leipzig

Tel.: 0341 2 25 13 18


